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Do you want to explore Jewish heritage, traditions and wisdom? Do you want to feel empowered in your spirituality? I founded Keeping It Sacred as the place to do that, and you are welcome here. Our acronym, KITS, honors my beloved grandmother, Fruma Kit Endler, who died at the age of 100 this past June.
Here, you can become a member of the community by subscribing to the newsletter which shares the latest information on all of our programming -- consider this your official invitation to all that we offer.

Did I mention that we are committed to providing accessible experiences, so our programs are free. Meaningful donations of any amount by those who value this concept are most welcome and appreciated- it’s what fuels the work.
All are welcome. That means you, your Jewish and non -Jewish friends, and family. Everyone who would like to participate in the exploration of ancient Jewish texts and rituals made relevant today, anyone wanting to benefit from the wisdom of the ancient sacred wisdom.
Please invite them!
Enjoy, also, content here:
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Please be sure to like, follow, subscribe, comment and share!
And, if you're comfortable, I'd love it if you would drop me a note HERE about your and your spiritual journey. Glad to be connected here!
Together we’re #keepingitsacred...
Sampling of Topics for
Future Appearances:
Member of the:
Join us for monthly Shabbat Services
online and in person!

Keeping It Sacred is all about accessible, relevant and empowering experiences. We enjoy hosting interactive holy day observances. These include monthly Shabbat Services, liberating Passover Seders, deep Tikkun Leil Shavuot study sessions, joyful Hanukkah celebrations, and complete seasons of High Holy Day Offerings. Connect with our global community to uplift these sacred times together!
"Such a warm feeling of community."
"Rabbi Miller, you are such an upbeat, enthusiastic
spirit, and one who is truly devoted."
"Thank you for this wonderful experience.
As always, my heart is full!"
Please join us for our monthly Shabbat Services,
the last Friday night of every month. Join Rabbi Miller
and Jeffrey Silverstein for these uplifting and meaningful
experiences. Please register HERE to join our global
community for an interactive service exclusively on Zoom!

Keeping It Sacred programs are free for all because we uphold the value of keruv/accessibility; voluntary financial contributions to help offset the cost of these programs are greatly appreciated. Contributions can be made at:
Join us for the High Holy Days:

Join us for the High Holy Days!
Our Founder, Rabbi Heather Miller will bring texts, traditions, and teachings from the wisdom of the Sages into relevance today. And this year, she will again be joined by the talented and good-hearted Cantorial Soloist Rachel Rothman. Rachel holds her Master’s degree in Vocal Performance from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music and fuels her spirituality and Judaism through music.
The entire lineup of services will be offered online including a Rosh Hashanah Seder, and a Morning Rosh Hashanah Service, as well as a hybrid (in person and online) Tashlich Service, Kol Nidrei Service, a Yom Kippur morning service, Yizkor, and Neilah service (See below to sign up). As always, services will be free of charge to all who wish to attend, but your contributions allow us to uphold this value of keruv/accessibility. As you reserve, please consider a meaningful gift to help us cover the costs of running this transformational programming and helping to support all of the sacred work we do.

Celebrate the Second Day Rosh Hashanah. Gain the tools needed for spiritual growth with Kimberly Dueñas. Online only.
4th October 10AM PT/1PM ET

Join your Keeping It Sacred community to mourn the events of October 7 and the devastation that continues. Together, we will hold space for our grief and our pain and find ways to bravely whisper our hopes for the region.
7th October 9AM PT/12PM ET
Hanukkah Celebration 2021/5782
High Holy Day Observances 2021/5782

Rejoice in the conclusion of the day. Online AND in person
12th October 5:45PM PT/8:45PM ET
(60 min)
MORE about
Cantorial Soloist Rachel Rothman:
We are so blessed as a community to have the exquisite heartfelt musicality of Cantorial Soloist Rachel Rothman co-lead us this High Holy Day Season. She holds her Master’s degree in Vocal Performance from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. She has spent summers performing with at opera festivals in Italy, and currently has an in demand vocal studio where she teaches voice lessons privately. And, Rachel feels lucky to fuel her spirituality and Judaism through music. Rabbi Miller has known Rachel since 2008 and shares, "Rachel is an incredible talent, with a soul of sincerity, sensitivity, and sensibility. She is a gifted prayer leader with a range from participatory song to high art, having a voice trained by camp song leaders and conservatory instructors alike. I am incredibly excited to co-lead this season's worship experiences with Rachel."

Sweet & Sacred High Holy Day Observances 2020/5781
Past High Holy Day Sermons
View Rabbi Miller's past High Holy Day sermons
by clicking HERE.
Shine Your Light Hanukkah Program 2020/5781

2021 Open Door Interfaith Passover Seder with Grammy winner, Joanie Leeds