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Do you want to explore Jewish heritage, traditions and wisdom? Do you want to feel empowered in your spirituality? I founded Keeping It Sacred as the place to do that, and you are welcome here. Our acronym, KITS, honors my beloved grandmother, Fruma Kit Endler, who died at the age of 100 this past June.
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Sampling of Topics for
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RE(SOUL)UTIONS: A Practical Guide for Self-Repair (2019) invites the reader into a process of self-reflection for the sake of personal improvement and empowerment. Rabbi Heather Miller draws from thousands of years of Jewish traditional texts, infusing them with relevance and practical meaning to Jewish and non-Jewish readers today. Her writing is warm, accessible, and meaningful.
in paperback and e-book formats!
"Resolutions is Torah in its essence--uplifting and soul-stirring. This collection is a call to deeper self-knowledge and healing, both personally and universally. A powerful and inspiring addition to your bookshelf!"
"This is a perfect way to enter the month of Elul, with an excellent step by step, day by day guide with delectable soul food along with daily new details to stimulate our intellect. A new MUST for the High Holy Days, and/or year round. Will join the ranks of seasonal Jewish classics!"
"This text is clearly written, beautifully arranged, and thoughtfully presented in a way that allows the reader - at any level of knowledge or experience - to connect with their inner soul, and with their personal mission to improve their life. Highly recommend!"
ReSoulutions has universal appeal!
Anyone looking for a practical guide to spiritual self-reflection and self-repair can find meaning in this book.
Testimonial from The Rev. Andrea Paddock on the relevance to Christian readers:

Rabbi Jordan Parr interviews Rabbi Miller about the book on his podcast, Torah for Christians:

And, enjoy gems from the book by checking out our Keeping It Sacred YouTube Channel:
Redefining Challenge:
Gems from RE(SOUL)UTIONS: A Practical Guide for Self-Repair; Chapter 3
Gems from RE(SOUL)UTIONS: A Practical Guide for Self-Repair; Chapter 4
Encouraging Growth:
Gems from RE(SOUL)UTIONS: A Practical Guide for Self-Repair; Chapter 1: Metamorphosis
Gems from RE(SOUL)UTIONS: A Practical Guide for Self-Repair; Bonus Section
Gems from RE(SOUL)UTIONS: A Practical Guide for Self-Repair; Chapter 2
These episodes can be found as podcasts at:
Spotify Google Podcasts, Apple + Podcasts, RadioPublic, Breaker, PocketCasts, and other podcast players.
Rabbi Miller also has entries in the following books:
Where Pride Dwells (out now!): Order HERE
Prophetic Voices (out now!): Order HERE